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Thanking our supporters

Te Wahi Ora is grateful for the wonderful support we receive from our 400×10 Project, donors, sponsors, grant providers and supporters.

· The Trusts Community Foundation and to the 29 people that made individual donations for the first $2000 towards our much needed new dishwasher.

· Waitākere Ranges Local Grants (Auckland Council) for supporting to develop further strategies in empowering Māori & Pacifica women.

· Community Organisation Grants Scheme (COGS) for supporting to build resilient communities – offering respite care and time-out opportunities for women to create time for themselves at no charge to them.

· ACORN STAIRLIFTS for donation of a stairlift to help women that need assistance to get to our upstairs dining room.

· TRILLIAN TRUST for the electricity generator. Piha, due to all the beautiful trees we are blessed to be surrounded by, is susceptible to power-cuts during big storms and the generator helps ensure that the food remains fresh.

· BEDS R US for a new comfortable bed mattress for the retro caravan. Te Wahi Ora and the guests that sleep on it.

· Dress for Success—to empower women to achieve economic independence

· B2B—ethically produced cotton

· Amanda Edwards—marathon effort for fundraising `Give a little`

· Juliet Batten—fundraising

· Amanda Evans—fundraising

· Emma Farry—fundraising

· …and many others!