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A Gift

Posted in Many Paths Many Voices

A Gift

There’s no poetry in my life
without you.
My muse, my light, my soul,
Where have you gone?
One short glorious year
I knew you,
And words came tumbling forth
in joyful song.
But then you left. As quickly
as you came.
And though I’ve begged you –
Speak! Please speak to me.
All I’ve ever heard
is silence.
Nothing but silence.  Oh!
Is that your final gift to me?

Mandy Edwards © 2015

This poem came from a line in a book called, Letters to Skye; “There’s no poetry in my life without you.” I had been struggling for some time to write my poetry, believing that I had lost all connection with God; with the Universe, with the creative, divine spark inside me. I’d also lost contact with a friend, who had been helping me on my spiritual journey, but had fallen silent; urging me, I think, to look within for the ‘answers’ rather than outside myself. I needed to quieten all the internal and external chatter and look to my own muse; my own intuitive self. As Confucius once said, “Silence is the soul’s oxygen – the true friend who never betrays.” In the poem below, I followed the advice of Julia Cameron, in ‘The Artist’s Way’, who believes that the most important muse of all is our inner child (artist) who needs to be taken out, and given our full attention.