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Posted in Te Wahi Ora Events

Talking of having inspiring guests to stay! KH had a transformational weekend!  She was able to find this image and write this poem to help capture a little of her inner experiences.


Seduced by the frothy white foam between her thighs,
distracted by the azure of those vast skies,
she ignored the wisdom of Sofia
to leave the safety of terra firma.

Cool water lapping, replaced by churning water crashing
as pounding, roaring waves rolled her over and over and over,
‘til drowning or transformation
were her only options.

She emerged with seaweed hair – dark and glistening,
with sand dune breasts and paua nipples,
with shimmering skin of sand and salt patterns
and with a powerful tail of blue and gold scales.

EM recently wrote, “Te Wahi Ora is one of my favourite places To go by myself or others when I need a real rest and retreat. Its beautiful setting, comfortable accommodations, delicious food, and warm welcome are always a joy. Invariably I meet interesting women, some becoming good friends. Te Wahi Ora is a gem of a place located not far from Auckland [but a world away].”

Lisa wrote “It’s fantastic to see all the progress and great news happening at Te Wahi Ora. I’m glad you finally gave people the opportunity to support something so worthwhile. I’ve just donated a year’s worth ($120) for your 400 x 10 campaign.”

For Example Liz wrote this at our last Writing Weekend ….

I said, “I don’t just want to support our country’s new government with my vote, I want to be part of the change that it promises for Aotearoa New Zealand.”

Bev described the story she had been told of Piha’s Mana Whenua’s “elders” living at the north end of Piha beach with the sacred task of ‘holding the beingness of the tribe’. She asked me if that was what I was meaning.

Hilary said, “Write about it.” So, I had a go.

Against all odds and against the toxic flow of these turbulent tides, the people of Aotearoa, our little country in the South Pacific, have been given the most precious gift – the opportunity to transform the way we live in our country.

We have a Prime Minister who talks about kindness, empathy and a collaborative approach to government. Jacinda wants people to feel that our government is open, that it listens and is different.

The start has been promising. Teina Pora is to get his due; the refugee quota will be increased; a Climate Commission will be established; extra parental leave awarded and three strikes are out.

So far so good then! Yet, all the time I am on tenderhooks. I’m fearful of sabotage of this miraculous opportunity by political divisions, greed, lies and self interest.

The question that I pose to myself now, is, “what can I (and others like me) do to be the container for this great and glorious project, to join Aotearoa’s sacred tradition of holding the ‘beingness of the tribe’?

We all witnessed how brilliantly Moondil constructed our handsome tin shed. Moon writes from USA that she needs to move to a sympathetic country to earn money working in conservation biology or native conservation in general in order to then find a way to finish her PhD. Can any of us help Moon obtain a job in New Zealand and therefore be able to get a working visa.

KG was overheard saying that she “wasn’t sure if Te Wahi Ora has any idea of the magnitude of what happens in the rooms where we stay. Do they truly realize the life changing experience they offer women?

It is a magical place of healing on every level. Your body is fed nutritious food; your senses are deliciously overwhelmed by the smells and sounds of the ocean.

Te Wahi Ora is, to me, a place of hope…. A place you can come back to again and again and each time you learn something new about yourself.”

And from Carolyn Hughes who stayed with us recently from the South Island …..

We were friends, Lis and I. Both of us liked to rethink how to ‘do’ politics, society and the economy!   So Lis and I started The Land Trust NZ

Our aim is to bring together older farmers with land, but no succession plan, with young growers who seek land but have no means to buy it!

The Land Trust NZ can match both parties and guide them through the legal and financial process. The result being happy people living on the land and trying out new enterprises that keep farms alive and viable.

Tragically, Lis passed away. Yet her formidable energy and wisdom is nourishing us still. The Land Trust NZ is achieving its goals.

Bronnie wrote saying that she returned home restored, full of love and joy again. The food, she described as, ‘a gift,’ so lovingly prepared and presented.

And as for Pohutukawa, her chalet,well, it felt like sleeping in the middle of a veggie patch. “Paradise to a keen gardener,” so Bronnie says

Hilary came up with a very welcomed surprise the other weekend – a recipe for bread like we used to enjoy in the old days – the ultimate “fail safe” Keto Buns!  Gluten Free!


150 gm of Almond Meal Flour

40 gm of Psyllium husk

60gm Coconut Flour

75 gm Flax Seed Meal

2 tsp granulated garlic

2 tsp onion powder

2 tsp Cream of Tartar

1 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp sea salt

6 whole egg whites

2 whole eggs

2 cups of water


Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.

Use SCALES TO MEASURE all the ingredients carefully.

Mix all the dry ingredients: almond flour, coconut flour, flaxseed, psyllium husks powder, garlic and onion powder, baking soda, cream of tartar and salt.

Add the egg whites beaten until stiff, and whole eggs, and process well until the dough is thick.   Add boiling water and mix well.

Make the buns and place them on a non-stick baking tray – usually makes 10.

Place in the oven and cook for 45 minutes.

Remove from oven and let them cool down to room temperature.


We have plenty of accommodation available for January and February 2018 if you too would like to taste Keto Buns, sleep in veggie patches, enjoy lovingly prepared food and be inspired to change your life and the lives of others! Click here to book

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